Merit Badge Day! March 21st


Please see our Merit Badge page under the Important Link menu item.
You can download the merit badge PDF there.

Saturday, March 21, 2015 – open to Registered Boy Scouts in any District or Council.
Location: LDS Whittier Stake Center, 15265 Mulberry Dr, Whittier CA 90604.
Registration: 8:45am-9:10 – $5.00 – in large hall.
Flag Ceremony & Announcements: 9:15am in chapel.
Session 1: 9:30a to 12:00n (Classes close at 9:35am)
Session 2: 1:00p to 3:30p (Classes close at 1:05pm)

Primitive Camp Pictures

These are all of our pictures from Primitive camp with 16 kids and 7 parents

 This is us before we all go on the long drive to Joshua Tree

This is us before we all go on the long drive to Joshua Tree

 This is the oven we used for cooking the turkey

This is the oven we used for cooking the turkey

 This is the tent that we built so we can sleep through the night 

This is the tent that we built so we can sleep through the night 

 Again this is the tent that we all slept in.

Again this is the tent that we all slept in.

 This is the turkey that we started cooking it at 11:00 AM and we started to eat it at 9:00 PM

This is the turkey that we started cooking it at 11:00 AM and we started to eat it at 9:00 PM

Joshua Tree Hike

Here we are, still alive and kicking! This picture was taken by Maria Espinoza at the end of our hike… sans backpacks of course. The scouts performed very well during the day and kept us in stitches at night.

Mojave Preserve- Hole in the Wall Backpack

The Hole in the Wall Backpacking trip is near! February 7th to the 9th scouts that sign up will have an option to either hike option A or B. If you son is going on option A the first day you will be hiking 12 miles the next day is 4 miles then the last day is 8 miles that is approximately 22 miles. If your son is hiking option B then the first day will be 12 miles the next day 8 miles and the last day 10 miles that is approximately 30 miles in all.

29 Palms Primitive Camp – Jan 16 to 18.

29 Palms Primitive Camp is just around the corning in mid January and I’m told it’s something every scout should experience (parents too). 

Oh no!!! What are you going to do?!!!!?  HOW WILL YOU SURVIVE!!!!?!!?? THIS ONE IS A BLAST!!!!!!!
Any parents have ideas for cooking breakfast in rustic manner? And we’ll be needing lots of wood
Scouts!!!!!……You will:

Dig trenches to set your lean-to up to and sleep in.  
Dig a latrine
Cook a turkey over a fire pit!
Bake a chocolate cake in an oven you’ll make! 
Go on an orienteering expedition and maybe play against Mr. Wold and Mr. Taylor!
Play capture the flag and mafia
Learn some survival skills
…and much more.!!!!